Once you have finished your NCA assignments (either exams or law school courses), you can ask us for a Certificate of Qualification as proof you have completed them.

To do that, visit your NCA portal and follow these steps:

  • From the tabs across the top of portal page, click on the heading “Request Certificate”.  It is on the far right.  You may need to expand the window to see it
  • Complete the form
  • Click “Submit”

The Certificate of Qualification is not the same as a Canadian law degree. It proves that you have finished the work that the NCA required. It also shows that your knowledge of Canadian law is similar to the knowledge of someone who got their law degree through an approved Canadian law school program.


Law society bar admissions

Canadian law societies in common law provinces and territories require the NCA Certificate of Qualification for entry to their bar admission process.


Next step

Apply for entry to a law society bar admission program.

Learn more