Lawyer trained outside of Canada

The NCATM assesses the qualifications of all internationally trained legal graduates, whether they are Canadian citizens who have earned their legal education abroad, newcomers to Canada with an overseas legal education, or people thinking of immigrating to Canada.

Lawyer with a Canadian Civil Law Degree

If you received your legal education in either Quebec or the Canadian civil law program at the University of Ottawa – and you want to practise in a common law jurisdiction in Canada – you need to complete the NCATM process. Only then can you apply to Canadian law societies in provinces and territories outside of Quebec.

Canadian considering studying abroad

Thinking of completing a law degree overseas?  You may want to know what steps to take to become a lawyer in a common law province or territory in Canada before you go abroad. Completing the NCATM’s process is just one step. Make sure you plan ahead by learning all you need to know about our process.


The National Committee on AccreditationTM (NCA)  assesses the legal education and professional experience of individuals who obtained their credentials outside of Canada or in a Canadian civil law program.  Find out if you qualify to apply.


PROCESS One process nationwide

The NCA uses one standard of evaluation across the country. This means you can qualify to enter law society bar admissions programs in any Canadian common law jurisdiction by going through just one process. To do so, you must either have legal qualifications from another country or a Canadian civil law degree.


View our process

EXAMS Frequent and flexible

You can write exams from any location with internet service, including the comfort of your home, twelve times a year.  Set a schedule that suits you best.

View exams    View schedules


2018.08.22 • Study Aids

Exam outlines and sample exams

Here are the resources you need to help you study for the NCA exams.

2019.01.28 • Forms

Authorization form / Consent to discuss file

If you want to allow someone else to contact the NCA about your file, complete this form and send it to  This enables us to share information about your file with the person named in the form.

2019.01.28 • Policies

NCA refund policy

Before you complete a transaction, take note of the NCA refund policy.