ASSIGNMENTS Get the education you need
Once the NCATM finishes your assessment, we will send you a letter that describes the legal education you need (your assignments) to make sure your knowledge of Canadian law is similar to the knowledge of someone who got their law degree from an approved Canadian common law program.
Your options
To find out how the NCA assesses your education and experience, please see our Policies.
Once we have finished your assessment, you will usually follow one of three paths for meeting your assignments:
- Write and pass NCA exams, or
- Complete assigned subjects at a Canadian law school, or
- Complete a combination of 1 and 2 – that is, you may meet some requirements by writing NCA exams and the rest by completing related courses at a Canadian law school.
Generally, the NCA assigns these five core common law subject areas to ALL applicants. Click on each of the first five subjects, to learn why it is mandatory.
- Canadian Administrative Law
- Canadian Constitutional Law
- Canadian Criminal Law
- Canadian Professional Responsibility
- Foundations of Canadian Law
- NCA legal research and writing module with the Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED)*
Legal research requirement
If your qualifications are assessed after January 1, 2022, you will also need to complete a course in legal research and writing offered either by an approved Canadian common law program or though the NCA legal research and writing module with the Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED).
Legal tradition
The legal tradition you studied will affect your assessment. This document explains how the NCA designates the legal tradition of a jurisdiction and provides a list of common law and mixed law jurisdictions.
NCA may also assign additional subjects as required based on your qualifications.
In some cases, the NCA will require you to complete your assignments by taking courses at a Canadian law school.
Language skills
Applicants must be able to communicate in one of Canada’s two official languages: English and French. To find out if you meet our language requirements, the NCA may ask you to complete language testing. For more information, see section 11 or our Policy Manual, called Language Proficiency Requirement.
This document explains the minimum scores for each test accepted by the NCA to meet the language requirement.
When you must meet your assignments
You must successfully complete your assignments within five years of the date your assessment was issued. If you do not complete your assignments within that time, you may request an extension. To do so, send an e-mail to us providing the reasons why you need an extension.
Completing NCA exams
Completing NCA exams
Here are some important things to keep in mind as you decide whether to take either the NCA exams or courses at a Canadian law school to meet your assigned requirements:
Each exam costs $475.00 CDN, plus taxes, and you must pay by credit card. The same price applies each time you re-write an NCA exam.
You can take exams twelve times a year. Check the NCA exam schedule.
You must register for NCA exams. Open and closing dates for registration are listed in the NCA schedule. You may not register once the deadline has passed.
You must study on your own for the exams (i.e. without help from the NCA) and you are responsible for getting your own NCA study materials. You must also develop your own strategy for studying, but the NCA does offer sample exams and exam outlines (syllabi). Some Canadian law schools also offer support courses or programs for NCA subjects.
Exam type
Exams are proctored online, fact-based, open-book and three (3) hours long. To help, the NCA has prepared a guide: How to Answer Fact-based Law Exam Questions. NCA exams are only offered online.
Exams are graded on a pass/fail basis (i.e. 50 percent is a pass). We will release results about 10 to 12 weeks from the date of the last exam of each session.
You may write NCA exams three times (a first attempt and two re-writes). If you do not succeed, you may ask for a fourth attempt as explained in section 17.2 (Examination Attempts) of the NCA Policies.
You must cancel your exam no later than midnight (ET) the day before it is scheduled. The NCA will take an administrative fee of $50.00 CDN (plus taxes) from every refund. If you don’t cancel the exam and don’t show up to write it, your exam fee will not be refunded. Consult our refund policy.
If you have been diagnosed with a medical condition, you may apply for accommodation to our Examinations Department.
The Federation of Law Societies of Canada is a bilingual organization, so you may write your exams in English or French. To write your exam in French, send a written request to our Examinations Department by the exam registration deadline.
See Exam rules and our FAQs for more details on NCA exams.
Taking courses at a Canadian law school
If the NCA assessment requires you to study at a Canadian law school, the number of subjects assigned will depend on your legal education and professional experience. There is a good chance you will have to study at a Canadian law school if you are a law graduate from a non-common law jurisdiction and you have had little or no experience with common law. This is also true if you have completed your law degree by distance education or online learning. If you must attend a Canadian law school – or if you are considering attending Canadian law school rather than taking NCA exams to meet your assigned requirements – you need to keep these things in mind:
Choose the right law school
You must research Canadian law schools on your own and choose the one you wish to attend to meet your NCA requirements. Some schools reserve spaces for NCA applicants, but others do not. As you choose your law school, please see the Federation’s approved Canadian common law degree programs or our Assistance for NCA Students page.
Apply to law school
You must apply to law school on your own. If you have questions about the cost of studies and admission requirements, you need to contact the law school directly.
Get your courses approved
If you want to take courses at a Canadian law school, you MUST have the NCA approve your courses before you take them to make sure they meet our requirements. To get approval in advance, send us an email with your proposed plan of study:
Make sure we get your transcripts
You must arrange for your law school to send official transcripts to the NCA so the information can be included in your file.
I studied in a mixed law jurisdiction
Additional training
If you earned your education and experience in a mixed jurisdiction that includes common law, we will consider the common law content of your programs and experience. We ask most graduates from a mixed jurisdiction to show they are competent in all eight core subjects. This document explains how the NCA designates the legal tradition of a jurisdiction and provides a list of common law and mixed law jurisdictions.
- Canadian Administrative Law (mandatory)
- Canadian Constitutional Law (mandatory)
- Canadian Criminal Law (mandatory)
- Foundations of Canadian Law (mandatory)
- Canadian Professional Responsibility (mandatory)
- NCA legal research and writing module with the Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED) (mandatory)
- Contracts
- Torts
- Property
Legal Research and Writing Requirement
If your qualifications are assessed after January 1, 2022, you will also need to complete a course in legal research and writing offered either by an approved Canadian common law program or though the NCA legal research and writing module with the Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED).
I studied in a non-common law jurisdiction
Additional training
If you are from a country with a legal tradition other than common law (e.g. civil law, religious law, etc.), you must obtain common law training or education. You can gain the required common law exposure by:
- taking an LL.M. program or by enrolling in individual courses
- being licensed as a lawyer, barrister or solicitor in a common law jurisdiction through successful completion of substantive course work or exams
- being certified as a paralegal or notary in a common law jurisdiction
In each case, the Executive Director has sole discretion to determine if some of the courses completed can satisfy requirements to proceed in the NCA assessment process
If you are enrolling in individual courses, once you successfully complete at least four common law subjects, the NCA will reconsider your file, as per NCA policy 15 (Assessment Reconsideration). We will then let you know which courses you still need to take to earn the NCA Certificate of Qualification.
Once you have the required exposure to common law, you can choose to satisfy the remaining subject requirements by writing NCA exams rather than taking law school courses, if you wish. Here is the NCA’s list of required subjects:
- Canadian Administrative Law (mandatory)
- Canadian Constitutional Law (mandatory)
- Canadian Criminal Law (mandatory)
- Foundations of Canadian Law (mandatory)
- Canadian Professional Responsibility (mandatory)
- NCA legal research and writing module with the Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED) (mandatory)
- Contracts
- Torts
- Property
Pre-approval for Law School Courses
Before you register for your courses, please have them approved by the NCA. For help, please see our Assistance for NCA students page. If you attend a Canadian law school, we will not require you to take a language test (each law school has their own language testing requirements). If you have any questions about the options available to you, please email us.
Legal Research and Writing Requirement
If your qualifications are assessed after January 1, 2022, you will also need to complete a course in legal research and writing offered either by an approved Canadian common law program or though the NCA legal research and writing module with the Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED).
You can take other common law subjects – such as Family Law, Commercial Law or Remedies – to get exposure to common law concepts. However, you will need to show competency in the above eight subjects before we issue you with a Certificate of Qualification. You must complete the five mandatory Canadian subjects through an approved Canadian common law program or by NCA exam (only after you have successfully completed at least four law school courses).
I studied in a Canadian civil law jurisdiction
Additional training
If you hold a Canadian civil law degree – LL.B., LL.L., Diplôme d’études supérieures spécialisées en Common Law nord-américaine (DESS) program of the Université de Montréal or the Diplôme de deuxième cycle de common law et droit transnational (DDCCLDT) program of the Université de Sherbrooke – the NCA will give you full credit for the courses you completed in federal law. We will usually ask you to show competence in the following subjects:
- Contracts
- Torts
- Property
- Canadian Professional Responsibility (if you did not successfully complete it during your Canadian civil law education)
If you have a Qualifying Law Degree from a program at a Canadian civil law school and hold a licence from the Barreau du Quebec, the NCA will automatically issue a Certificate of Qualification upon review of your completed application.
Apply to the NCA and submit all required documentation.
I completed a law degree through distance or on-line education
If you earned your law degree through distance or online education, please see section 7. (Mode of Study) of the NCA’s Policies. This policy outlines the NCA’s In-person Instruction requirements.
In-person study or interactive online instruction completed as part of a distance education program
If you took your law degree through distance education or a program that does not meet the interactive learning requirement, you must successfully complete two (2) years of In-person instruction in a law Program acceptable to the NCA, in addition to any other requirements identified by the Executive Director. The two-year requirement will be reduced to one (1) year In-person if you hold a law degree from a program that provides two (2) years of Interactive Online Instruction. Interactive online instruction must be part of a program that consists of at least one year of in person instruction and must provide opportunities for students to develop legal problem solving and legal communications skills and include six of the eight criteria listed in NCA’s Policy at section 7.2, Interactive Learning Requirement. As part of your study, you must complete the following NCA mandatory Canadian subjects represented in bold with an asterisk. The subjects not represented in bold with an asterisk may be assigned:
- Canadian Administrative Law*
- Canadian Constitutional Law*
- Canadian Criminal Law*
- Foundations of Canadian Law*
- Canadian Professional Responsibility*
- NCA legal research and writing module with the Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED)*
- Contracts
- Torts
- Property
- Business Organizations
- Family Law
- Remedies
- Evidence
- Civil Procedure
- Commercial Law
- Real Estate
NOTE: If you received instruction at a local learning centre, whether in-person or interactive, it will not be considered as meeting the interactive learning requirement and will not reduce the two-year in-person requirement in section 7.3.
Your options to meet the assignments
You could consider any one of the following three options to complete your two years of in-person instruction:
- Either one year of a course-based LL.M., plus a Legal Practice Course (LPC) or a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
- Two one-year course-based LL.M. programs. If you choose this option, you could complete a course-based LL.M. at any approved law school in any common law jurisdiction.
- One two-year course-based LL.M. program.
To meet a one-year In-Person requirement, you could choose any of the following options:
- One year of a course-based LL.M., at any approved law school in any common law jurisdiction.
- The Legal Practise Course (LPC) or Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) either in England or another common law jurisdiction.
- Courses in a common law J.D. or LL.B.
Additional Legal Studies completed as part of a one (1) year Program (e.g. LL.M) must consist of no less than fifty percent (50%) In-person Instruction with the remainder delivered through Interactive Online Instruction that meets the criteria outlined under paragraph 7.2(II).
Please note that, in all cases, you must take the five mandatory Canadian subjects listed below at an approved Canadian law school. If you have already completed the two-year in-person or online interactive requirement in another country, you may write the corresponding NCA examinations.
- Canadian Administrative Law
- Canadian Constitutional Law
- Canadian Criminal Law
- Foundations of Canadian Law
- Canadian Professional Responsibility
Legal Research and Writing Requirement
If your qualifications are assessed after January 1, 2022, you will also need to complete a course in legal research and writing offered either by an approved Canadian common law program or though the NCA legal research and writing module with the Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED).
Get your courses approved
If you want to take courses at a Canadian law school, you MUST have the NCA approve your courses before you take them to make sure they meet our requirements. To get approval in advance, send an email with your proposed plan of study to
Next step
Apply for your Certificate of Qualification once you have successfully completed your assignments.